[ubuntu-za] Advice troubleshooting ssh over the net

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 12:13:51 UTC 2017

Hi folks. Is everyone good?

I am traveling outside the country for business soon and thought it nice to
remotely administer my headless server at home. I only need ssh access.

I have:

1) Ubuntu 16.04 that gets assigned a static IP on my LAN
2) set up SSH access using public key authentication (no password access)
3) set up the no-ip dynamic dns service

I can confirm:

1) ssh to the server from two other machines on my LAN works
2) the no-ip service runs and updates my IP. I can see syslog indicate the
IP update, and verify this on the no-ip website dashboard, which reflects
my router's IP

I cannot ssh into the server using the no-ip domain name or my external IP
address. I figured since ssh works on the LAN I can rule out the Ubuntu
firewall, so I focused my attention to the router NAT:
I added a port forward setting on my router for ssh port 22, pointing it to
my server's static IP on the LAN (this guide provided the steps for my
router model [1]). This did not change anything, I still cannot ssh to my
server. I used a couple online port checkers that say port 22 is open.

The message I get is: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

any tips in the right direction will be appreciated :)


[1]: https://portforward.com/huawei/hg532f/
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