[ubuntu-za] Nitro Share

Jan jan at verslank.net
Sun Feb 12 18:49:29 UTC 2017

Thanks Bill, I installed NitroShare on my 16.04 but strangely, it does 
not show up in Synaptic nor in software centre on my wife's 14.04.

Best wishes,


On 11/02/2017 16:12, Bill Cairns wrote:
> This is just a short note for Jan and others who my be interested. I 
> have a small network with my Linux machines and a Windows 10 laptop 
> connected to a small HP server (Ubuntu 12.04 sever with Samba). 
> However, i find that the easiest way of sending files between my 
> machines is to use Nitoshare. Easy to install and no hassles at all to 
> run.
> I see very little written about Nitroshare and am a bit surprised that 
> it is not better known.
> Bill

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