[ubuntu-za] Storage

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Wed Aug 30 18:55:34 UTC 2017

On 08/29/2017 12:31 AM, Bill Cairns wrote:
> I wonder if anyone can recommend a local storage service for off-line 
> backup of files? Dropbox is convenient enough, but expensive if I have 
> to pay for extra storage. If a local service provider supported 
> openCloud it would be a strong recommendation.

Back to the original question...  Backblaze B2 is the cheapest online 
storage I have found.  It is in the US, so links can be a tad slow on 
occasion. :) Also the hard drive service to send you your data has to go 
though customs, so that is a drawback.

For file sharing, nearlyfreespeech.net is the cheapest web host around 
and the data transfer rates are not bad.  However, they do that because 
there is essentially no support in the traditional sense.  And it is 
also Us based so the slow links still apply.


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