[ubuntu-za] Stop outgoing traffic to specific host

Frans de waal meesterarend at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 09:46:18 UTC 2014

Wikus on your system in the etc folder there is a hosts file you can add
this url to and then point it to

Frans de Waal
cell: 076 639 8315
skype: meesterarend1

Wie plant en wie natgooi is nie belangrik nie. Die belangrike Een is God,
want dit is Hý wat laat groei.
1 Korintiërs 3:7
On Jan 8, 2014 11:27 AM, "Wikus" <wikus at cheetah-microsystems.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys ,
> I have continues traffic to a site that should not be receiving data from
> When I view my traffic with iftop my pc is continuously sending data to
> that address.
> Can someone please explain to me in plain easy steps how I stop my pc from
> sending to that adress ?
> I have never done this before and have no idea where to start.
> Ubuntu 12.04.3 64bit with all updates.
> Thank you
> - Wikus
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