[ubuntu-za] Passwords - Bah humbug!

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 18:11:16 UTC 2014

On Sun, 27 Apr 2014 16:23:29 +0200 Bill Cairns wrote:

> (Actually I liked the chap who 
> changed his password to "incorrect" because the computer would tell
> him "Your password is incorrect").

What a great idea! He he.

For anecdotal reading: A few years ago I devised a "formula" for my
passwords, replacing either the web site name, or computer hostname,
into the forumula.

There is the initial setup cost of memorizing the formula, and making
it obscure the replacement words enough to withstand dictionary
guesses, but since then I can have a different password for everything
and not need remember each one manually.

An trivial example I just made up, where N is upper and n lower
case of the site or host name: #3NNN.nnn3#

at 11 length it satisfies all the case, number and special character

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