[ubuntu-za] Problems since last round of "major" updates

Robin Bownes robin at bownes.co.za
Tue May 21 00:12:09 UTC 2013

On 05/21/2013 01:58 AM, Hannes Coetzee wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:35 PM, Robin Bownes <robin at bownes.co.za 
>>> <mailto:robin at bownes.co.za>> wrote:
>>>     Hi All,
>>>     I'm running 3 computers, each with a different version of Ubuntu
>>>     - namely 12.04, 12.10 & 13.04. While in the past, I've
>>>     experienced a problem here and there on a specific version after
>>>     an update, this is the first time that I'm experiencing the same
>>>     problems across the board on all 3 machines. This would seem to
>>>     indicate that there's something fundamentally wrong somewhere.
>>>     The problems are:
>>>      1. Nautilus hangs in the middle of copying/moving files to/from
>>>         either USB drives or over my LAN. Copying just stops, and
>>>         the only way to get rid of the copy dialogue is to restart
>>>         the PC. No error message, nothing - just stops.
>>>      2. Libre Office (running different versions on all these
>>>         machines) hanging at increasingly shortening intervals,
>>>         until it becomes unusable. The only way to get Libre Office
>>>         to load again after a hangup, is to restart the machine.
>>>         Sometimes even that doesn't work.
>>>     Is anybody else experiencing any of this? As I say, if it was
>>>     just one machine, I'd blame the machine, but its all 3, and all
>>>     3 Ubuntu versions, and all began directly after the last major
>>>     update a few days ago.
>>>     Any assistance welcome.
>>>     Thanks.
> Step one to solve just about any Linux issue - open terminal -> enter 
> command (libreoffice or nautilus) -> put the window somewhere where 
> you can see the terminal output and keep an eye on it. Most of the 
> times the reason for the crash or hang will be displayed in terminal, 
> then Google the message.
> Do you open files from a server via NFS or SMB? Do you mount NFS or 
> SMB shares locally? Does libreoffice and nautilus crash because it 
> can't access the network? Does it crash when you copy network to USB 
> or local HD to USB? Do you use a local repo to update all the machines 
> or do they update individually?
> Hannes
Hi Hannes,

I'll give the terminal watch a go. Thanks.

I do open files on other the other PCs on my LAN, and as said, they are 
networked via samba. I'm afraid I don't really know what you mean by "Do 
you mount NFS or SMB shares locally?". Each PC on the LAN has shared 
folders that can be accessed by the others on the LAN. Crashes occur 
when copying over LAN HDD -> HDD, HDD -> USB, LAN -> HDD, LAN -> USB - 
basically any and all configurations. All machines update independently 
via the Internet.

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