[ubuntu-za] Sharing a hdd cross-country

Celeste celeste at cyberjacket.co.za
Wed May 8 18:07:31 UTC 2013

I think that is a great idea I will gladly donate a drive 500GB.... I like 
the idea of sender pays and so on ..... I do think that a week should 
surfice rather than 2 ??? Maybeee ...

I have loads of free software and will gladly post discs to those who 
require urgent patches etc ....


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On 08 May 2013 7:55:10 PM Wesley Werner <wesley.werner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> William, this is related to you asking donating hdd's in DBNLUG for Ubuntu
> and repos. I have an idea and am posting it here to reach a more
> country-wide group. This is the proposal, I'd like to see what interest
> there is.
> # The drive share project
> It's not easy to get new Operating Systems or software Repositories on
> _limited bandwidth_. There are many of us in beautiful South Africa who
> would love to receive a disk filled with Free Software, I certainly would!
> I have the idea to donate a HDD to be carted around the country in the
> spirit of spreading more Free stuff. Everyone likes free stuff! This is
> version 1 of the idea, right now I don't know how well this will work so
> please give your input.
> The base of the disk contents will be GNU / Linux distributions. There will
> be a designated directory for user contributed content too.
> ## Disk
> One 500 GB SATA drive, formatted as UDF, with a directory structure
> organized for OS's and software.
> Why UDF? Even though it is widely used by CD/DVD media the specification
> allows for HDD's.
> * Because it was designed for information exchange.
> * Because it is an open standard.
> * Because of 64-bit file size.
> * Because of unicode file names.
> I'd love to hear criticism of my fs choice, and am open to all suggestions
> and alternatives.
> I think it would be nice if we can get an enclosure for the disk, it would
> certainly help connecting it up to your PC's.
> ## Transport
> Logistics would be the hardest part to coordinate and fund. If I was a
> millionaire... I'd buy everyone DSL instead ;)
> A courier will cost some monies, and I am uncertain how to spread these
> costs. It does come to mind the person receiving pays COD, and if there is
> a group of you in a region, split the delivery cost and then shift the disk
> between each other. How does this sound?
> A quick search shows postnet-to-postnet costs R99 for the first 2kg, there
> is the packaging detail too (air tight required?). Thus if its
> pay-before-post it works out each person pays for the next delivery. That
> means I get to pay the first delivery :)
> ## Schedule
> We need to draw up a list of people who would like the disk, together with
> a loose timeline to keep a decent schedule. Is 2 weeks per person enough
> time? Listing the schedule to an optimized path is a heck of a good idea
> too in reducing transport costs.
> That's the basic idea, loves? flames? that is all.
> --
> Wesley
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