[ubuntu-za] Unmet libzip1 dependency when installing Kobo reader
Robin Bownes
robin at bownes.co.za
Tue Mar 12 14:25:58 UTC 2013
On 03/12/2013 01:06 PM, Hilton Gibson wrote:
> Have you thought of: http://calibre-ebook.com/
> It's available in the software center.
> On 12 March 2013 11:52, Robin Bownes <robin at bownes.co.za
> <mailto:robin at bownes.co.za>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hope that someone out there has an answer to this problem.
> I've recently started using Kobo reader on my Android phone.
> Wanting to be able to access my books on my notebook, to assist
> study, I discovered, and downloaded an Ubuntu version of the Kobo
> reader (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2183775/kobo-desktop.deb).
> However, on attempting to install the reader, I got a missing
> dependency message for libzip1.
> Through fairly extensive Googling, I've discovered that libzip1 no
> longer exists in 12.04 (32 bit), which I'm running, having been
> replaced by libzip2. Unfortunately this does not help me to
> install the reader.
> Is there a way to install libzip1? Is there a way to modify the
> dependency to use libzip2? Is there some other solution that I've
> not even thought of?
> Hope someone can help.
> Thanks.
> Robin
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> *Hilton Gibson*
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Hi Hilton (& Graham, who suggested the same thing)
I have installed Calibre, and don't get me wrong, it looks like a great
reader. From the looks of things, I can download/install/convert books
within Calibre, from multiple sources, and can even transfer them to my
reader device, but that seems to be as far as it goes. The problem for
me is that I cannot see any way to get it to interact with Kobo and/or
Amazon accounts in order to track my library and progress within
individual books. Am I just missing something, or is there a way to link
Calibre to my online bookstore accounts?
Is there
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