[ubuntu-za] Home directory

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 09:20:48 UTC 2013

Hi Bill.

First thing is to make a backup of your fstab just in case.

: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak

As long as you dont alter the line for your /, the worst that can happen is
it will fail to mount your old home, and you can just edit and try again :)

sdb2 is an extended partition, its a 'fake' partition that holds other
partitions, as a work-around to overcome the 4 partition limit of
days-of-yore. The sdb6 seems likely the one you want to add.

Perhaps someone here can reply with their /home line to use as reference
for you, Bill. Sorry I am not at any pc today, and likely not until monday.

Oh, and you dont have to use uuid's, those are suggested and very useful in
server systems where one may swap or add hard disks regularly, but the old
/dev/sdxy path is still supported and an easy alternative for home users.
Just be aware that adding a new disk, depending where on the cable or bus,
could alter your device points, i.e. Sda could become sdb (this behaviour
can be overidden via jumper switches on the drives).
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