[ubuntu-za] People sticking to LTS?

Neil Oosthuizen nlsthzn at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 18:12:14 UTC 2013

Sorry for the top post (but I am just adding a general statement)...
Something to keep in mind with this extended support is the fact that
there are more significant updates being done with every point release
than was happening with previous LTS releases (kernel etc.) so that
will help to keep the LTS more relevant for longer.  I am sure
Enterprise loves something that is more predictable like this.


On 9 August 2013 20:31, Jan Greeff <jan at verslank.net> wrote:
> After my nightmare experience with 12.10, which had me scurrying back to
> 12.04, I will stick with 12.04 until I pick up problems with support or
> someone convinces me that I should stick my neck out again.
> Jan
> On 09/08/2013 17:10, Peter Nel wrote:
>> Easy: http://ubuntu.sun.ac.za/wiki/index.php/Support
>> What would you as an IT manager be willing to support.
>> Remember support costs, it's not only about the software, it's also about
>> 24/7 on-call service.
>> Add more complexity to support and you add costs.
> No I certainly get that Hilton. I'm not referring to desktop deployments
> throughout organizations that are covered by some IT policy, nor as I said,
> servers.
> I'm talking about everyone else, mostly home users... who do not receive
> support from an IT department anyway. They'd need IT support whether they
> use LTS or not, but both LTS and regular-release users have to help
> themselves and eachother, like we do now.
> LTS obviously doesn't mean you'll never have problems, or never need
> support. It just means you'll wait longer before you upgrade...
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