[ubuntu-za] Unity and Gimp

Bill Cairns cairnsww at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 07:48:59 UTC 2013

I am still frustrated by the fact that Gimp and Unity don't work together.
Frequently (it used to be always) Exporting a picture from Gimp causes Gimp
to terminate abnormally. ("Export" is tghe normal way to save a jpeg file
from Gimp).

My solution has been fairly simple in that I also have Xubuntu loaded on
this machine and use it to run Gimp. The trouble is that I use Gimp a lot
and therefore find myself running Xubuntu constantly.

But I like Unity!

Does anyone know whether this problem is solved on newer versions of
Ubuntu? I am running 12.04 LTS but will happily move to a newer version if
this problem is solved. Strangely I can find nothing about this on the web.

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