[ubuntu-za] What went wrong?

Adrianna Pińska adrianna.pinska at gmail.com
Sun Aug 4 12:58:40 UTC 2013

> After running the command, the basics were still running but there was
> nothing appearing when I click on the settings/shutdown icon, the dash/home
> button and a few other places that I cannot remember. Then I rebooted and
> got an almost blank black screen with options like to start in safe mode,
> but even these did not work so basically there was nothing I could do.

You may have uninstalled something vital which depended on virtualbox.
If you can access the filesystem of the broken install, you can find
out what your last apt commands did by looking at the log:

It may be possible to repair the damage by reinstalling those
packages, but it may be difficult if you can't boot into that install.
Do try Miles' suggestion -- see if you can get a text terminal, and if
you can, try reinstalling whatever you uninstalled.

Adrianna Pińska

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