[ubuntu-za] Kernel panic - 12.10 on Dell GX520

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 11:03:56 UTC 2012

D'oh, well found Robin! Isn't it funny how many times faulty RAM occurs,
yet we never think to test for it at first!
On Nov 9, 2012 9:22 AM, "Robin Bownes" <robin at bownes.co.za> wrote:

> On 10/29/2012 12:09 PM, Robin Bownes wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm close to my wit's end with this problem, I hope someone can help.
>> I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 (64 bit) on a recently acquired,
>> small-form-factor Dell GX520 (Dual-core Intel, 1GB RAM). I have been unable
>> to even get the installation to run through completely before being kicked
>> out to a screen full of text (looks like considerably more than one
>> screen's worth), the last lines of which, mention "kernel panic".
>> I've Googled this and have seen a few others that have experienced
>> similar problems, but have seen no solutions.
>> Help please - simple as possible please, preferably with explanation.
>> (for my learning curve)
>> Thanks.
>> Robin
>>  Hi All,
> Just a quick thanks for the help offered, and a bit of feedback.
> After all trying everything else, I eventually had an
> "early-hours-of-the-morning brainwave", and ran a test on the machine's
> memory. Long story short - the memory was faulty. I replaced the memory and
> all is well.
> Robin
> --
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