[ubuntu-za] Unity 2D and graphics drivers

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Tue Nov 6 16:58:07 UTC 2012

On 11/06/2012 10:44 AM, Wikus wrote:
> On 06/11/2012 18:18, Lee Sharp wrote:
>> On 11/06/2012 09:58 AM, Wikus wrote:
>>> Charl ,
>>> So if I understand correctly , Ubuntu will do software rendering until
>>> you install your graphics driver ?
>>> IE , one will at least be able to install it and get the drivers
>>> installed and it won't just bomb out
>>> on install ?
>> Unless you have a card not supported by the built in graphics
>> drivers...  Then with no alt-install, you have no way to get anything
>> working.
>> Well, you can install ubuntu server, then "apt-get install
>> ubuntu-desktop" and the hardware drivers, and just deal with the
>> server kernel...
>> Yes, they are loosing the plot.

> Ag no that's terrible.
> So I have latest proper hardware , but won't be able to install the new
> Ubuntu versions.
> It's decisions like this that is killing this OS

Yes.  I have a Nvidia 550Ti which is not supported in 10.04 out of the 
box.  I needed the xswat ppa to get anything.  (It will not even do vesa 
correctly)  Without an alt-install, the only way to get my system going 
would be to use a temporary video card...  Not exactly user friendly... 
  Now, of course it works with 12.04 out of the box.  And I am sure 
Nvidia will not make any new and unsupported cards again...


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