[ubuntu-za] Libre Office menus gone
mazal.wikus at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 12:46:56 UTC 2012
Hilton what else falls away when one removes that package ?
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On 03/11/2012 14:12, Hilton Gibson wrote:
> I had the same problem. At work I removed the "libreoffice-gnome"
> package, at home I upgraded to 13.04.
> On 3 November 2012 12:40, Wikus <mazal.wikus at gmail.com
> <mailto:mazal.wikus at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Morning all ,
> In Libre Office (on 12.10) the normal menus are gone. (the view ,
> data , format etc. menus)
> I can't even get into it's preferences as there is no "edit" menu
> or nothing.
> Is this they way the new Libre Office is ? Or is something broken
> on mine and how can I fix it
> to get the normal menus back.
> Even at the top of the desktop there is no menus that apear ???
> - Wikus
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> |J E S U S|
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> *Hilton Gibson*
> Systems Administrator
> JS Gericke Library
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