[ubuntu-za] Precise Pangolin 12.04 Official CDs are here

ubuntupunk at gmail.com ubuntupunk at gmail.com
Thu May 31 13:42:16 UTC 2012

Could somebody please drop of a pack at SANCOGO-WC, lots of NGOs which no
absolutely nothing about the ubuntu revolution.

Address is 45 Salt River Rd, Salt River, @ Cape Town Society for the Blind.



On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 11:59 AM, maia grotepass <maiatoday at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello ubuntu people
> The CDs are here. There are 32bit desktop CDs and server CDs.
> As before I will send out some CDs to central locations all over the
> country. I have a list of regional contacts with addresses, but I am
> not sure if these people want to distribute CDs again so I want to
> refresh the list. This is a call  for volunteers. If you want to be a
> regional contact and are willing to distribute CDs please let me know
> your name and address. If you were on this list before and you are
> still willing to distribute CDs also let me know your details because
> I am recompiling the list. We also want to put the regional contacts
> on the website so if people are looking for CDs you would be the
> contact for that area.
> Last time we had contacts in the following areas
> Pretoria
> Johannesburg
> Bloemfontein
> Durban
> Cape Town
> PE
> Please let me know in the following 2 days so that I can send the CDs
> as soon as possible.
> Maia
> --
> ubuntu-za mailing list
> ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za

*David Robert Lewis*
*PO BOX 4398*
*Cape Town*
*South Africa*
*Mobile 082 425 1454*
*Home 021 448 0021*
*Office 021 447 7899 *
*Fax **0862396815*
*Skype david.robert.lewis*
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