[ubuntu-za] Continual error message in top right screen

Wikus mazal.wikus at gmail.com
Thu May 31 11:29:08 UTC 2012

Where do you actually edit the servers for the packages to "change the 
mirror server" Marius ?

That would be very interesting to know. I know where to add extra 
servers for additional
software as well as to switch between "main" and "South-Africa" for 
primary software.
But if I understand correctly , you can edit the actual adress of that 
"South-Africa" option ?

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On 05/31/2012 01:09 PM, Marius Kruger wrote:
> On 31 May 2012 11:06, Leon Gert Marincowitz<lmarincowitz at gmail.com>  wrote:
> ..
>> What does this mean, is it possible for the Za servers not to have the full
>> packages?
> yes it can happen, you can try switching to a different mirror for a while.. eg.
> http://ubuntu.saix.net/ubuntu-archive   (this is what I use ATM)
> ubuntu.mirror.ac.za
> ftp.sun.ac.za
> or even the main server..

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