[ubuntu-za] Printer problems

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Fri May 11 16:23:35 UTC 2012

On 05/11/2012 10:59 AM, Jan Greeff wrote:
> Hi Lee, network connection is via Ethernet. So I gather the "parallel"
> URI is wrong, it was changed by the system, was previously
> smb://localhost/HP-Officejet-6300 when it worked, but even after the
> problems this was still the URI for a while. Don't know why it changed...

This goes back to an earlier message.  An smb: link is Samba.  You are 
printing to a Windows print queue, and so you also need to make sure 
samba is installed and functioning.

Also, that link you enclosed was an example, I hope...  SMB://localhost 
is connecting back to you Linux box with Samba...  That could mean you 
had a Windows print queue on your box, and it pointed to something else.

Where is the printer?  Is it connected directly to the network, or is it 
connected to a computer on the network?


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