[ubuntu-za] Thunderbird overload?

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Thu May 10 19:25:34 UTC 2012

On 05/10/2012 11:19 AM, Jan Greeff wrote:
> Thunderbird (especially when compacting folders) was causing my Ubuntu
> 12.04 to hang to the extent where all I could do was to switch off power
> and start over.
> I then reverted to Ubuntu 11.04 , but the same is happening here.
> I have about 1,1 gigabyte of e-mails in various folders, could this be
> the reason why this is happening?

My Thunderbird folder is 8.8 gigs, so size is not your problem.  It 
could be number.

To start, how many messages are in your largest folder?

How do you get those messages? (pop, imap)

How many folders do you have?

Do you use the auto-archive function?


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