[ubuntu-za] Is back

Robin Bownes robin at bownes.co.za
Tue May 1 10:00:49 UTC 2012

Jan, you can still choose the number of workspaces and set up custom keys to change from one to the other.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Is back 
From: Jan Greeff <jan at verslank.net> 
To: Ubuntu South African Local Community <ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com> 

Indeed, my 12.04 is also doing well. I just find it difficult to believe 
that they have taken what I see as a backward step with the workspace 
switcher. On Gnome I could select the number of workspaces that I 
wanted, I could see what was running where and I could change spaces 
with a single click. None of these features have survived the change to 
Unity. Poor show!

On 01/05/2012 09:41, Wikus wrote:
> Morning ZA ,
> Just wanted to say hi , I am back. Was away for a while.
> Running 12.04 32bit on Acer Travelmate 5742G and am very happy.
> A few bugs here and there , but overall I think unity has come a long way
> and is much improved than a year ago.
> Enjoy the off day !!
> - Wikus

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