[ubuntu-za] Problem with my understanding of archive.ubuntu.com

Tom Bamford tom at aims.ac.za
Wed Jun 20 12:15:25 UTC 2012

On 20 June 2012 14:02, Alf Stockton <alf at stockton.co.za> wrote:
> Now please explain to me what I am misunderstanding and why
> archive.ubuntu.com when I try apt-get translates to but when I
> do a ping it translates to or

Are you on a corporate/campus network? is in a private
address range which means it's a server on your network - most likely
a Squid proxy server (owing to the use of port 3128). You most likely
either have a transparent proxy on your network or you have a proxy
server configured on your workstation (see /etc/apt/apt.conf and/or
run "echo $http_proxy" at a terminal).


System Administrator
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 787 9328
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Jabber: tom at aims.ac.za
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