[ubuntu-za] Screen saver confusion

Wikus mazal.wikus at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 05:00:00 UTC 2012

Morning Jan ,

12.04 doesn't have any screen savers. That "screen goes blank" is in 
fact it's screen saver.
The only one by default. I have read that you can add more , but myself 
I don't know how sorry.

- Wikus

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On 06/07/2012 09:08 PM, Jan Greeff wrote:
> The screen saver settings on Ubuntu 12.04 are confusing: Under 
> "display modes" it says "Blank after..." but when I hover the cursor, 
> it says "How long before the screen saver activates."
> So if I set it at, say 30 minutes, will the screen go blank after 30 
> minutes or will the screensaver activate after 30 minutes? It appears 
> as if the screen goes blank, but it seems to go blank after a short 
> while anyway, irrespective of how I set it up.
> Can somebody please elaborate on these settings?
> Jan

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