[ubuntu-za] After an Ubuntu update I am now getting : Booting System without full network configuration

Nico Michael nick.michael at ptaisp.co.za
Wed Jun 6 13:19:08 UTC 2012

Hi there

One of the things I hate about Ubuntu updates the often break things an 
make my life a misery
In the past after such an event I would re-roll my Linux
Today I cant afford to do that as i am using my Linux laptop more 
seriously than my Microsoft Laptop

I am getting the message :
"Booting System without full network configuration"

I Googled this and edited this file:

I changed the sleep 40 and made it sleep 120 this did not fix the 
problem and now my windows maqchine starts before my Linux machine is 
ready with network problem

I am aware this is a bug but it seems they missed it
Does any one know of a way to fix this without re-installing drivers on 
my old laptop

Kind regards

Nico Michael
(Sent from ptaisp.co.za)

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