[ubuntu-za] Notes tab on file properties

Robin Bownes robin at bownes.co.za
Fri Jun 1 22:58:14 UTC 2012

On 06/01/2012 11:57 PM, Gustav H Meyer wrote:
> Hi Robin,
> On 01/06/2012 00:54, Robin Bownes wrote:
>> Before my latest update to 12.04, I used the Notes tab under file
>> properties to record quite a bit of information regarding printing
>> sizes, prices,&  media for many of my photo files the upgrade however, I
>> notice that the Notes tab no longer appears in file properties.
>> I would really like to get that information back, and continue to be
>> able to use this useful feature. Has this been removed in the new
>> version, or is it just not showing? If the latter, then how can I get it
>> to show again?
> You may find an answer to your issue at the following link:
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/90853/file-notes-tab-gone-in-nautilus-3-2-1
> Regards,
> Gustav H Meyer

Thanks for the link Gustav, but if I understand that correctly, it 
basically just says "we scrapped it - tough". Other than being extremely 
pissed off with that kind of thinking and action, which in this case has 
lost me a lot of valuable information, which directly impacts my 
livelihood, I'm not really sure what to do with this information. I'm 
looking at probably about a week of really hard, pretty much full-time 
graft to redo all that I've lost.
(Co-incidentally, the link states that this feature was already gone in 
11.10, but this is not the case, as I was still using it until my 
upgrade to 12.04)

Here are some questions for the Ubuntu boffins that I think really need 
to be answered:

 1.  From what I can gather (from the above-mentioned link), this is a
    Gnome dev decision. If Ubuntu is no longer using Gnome, but rather
    Unity, why is this effecting us?
 2. How can such a decision, that can negatively impact potentially
    millions of people be made and executed in this manner?
 3. How can I rely on using Ubuntu if this kind of thing has already
    happened, and can therefore happen again at any time in the future?
    How do I know which features I can safely use, and which I can't?

This kind of uncertainty could very well be a deal-breaker in terms of 
using open source software. Microsoft and Apple may well suck in some 
ways, but in all the years that I sold, trained, and supported Microsoft 
applications, they never did something like this.

Signed: Seriously-Pissed-Off-Robin

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