[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Unity Stability Issues

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 18:48:42 UTC 2012

Hi Nick

Which version are you using now?



On 28 July 2012 20:36, Nico Michael(iBurst) <nick.michael at ptaisp.co.za>wrote:

> Hi there
> I have had bad experiences with the last 2 versions of Ubuntu
> Every  second or third update breaks something in my Linux
> I seem to be continuously looking at the Ubuntu Community pages trying to
> fix another problem
> Is there a way to permanently disable updates  and use a more Stable
> Ubuntu.
> I cant use my iBurst any more on my Ubuntu so I am sending this email from
> my Windows Laptop using my iBurst modem.
> My wife's machine has the Pre-Unity Ubuntu I never upgraded it since I
> installed it and she has no problems.
> My file server is an older Ubuntu Workstation also a version not supported
> any more and I am very happy with it.
> Last night I took a New Ubuntu CD and made a VM it was so unstable I could
> not use it  It kept on crashing. I thought Ubuntu is built on a very stable
> Kernel yet it crashes.
> I tried OpenSUSE although it was stable I found that distro is not as user
> friendly as it could not automatically find my Laser printer on my network.
> Which was the reason I moved to Ubuntu
> Is there a way to get Ubuntu to work with out the tears. Remove the Unity ?
> Or should one  move to Kubuntu?
> Can you get Kubuntu to install with the Gnome desktop ?
> Some of my friends are talking of other Debian/Ubuntu  Distros I like
> Ubuntu as its South African and wish to support it
> What say you how do I fix my problem?
> Novel has two versions a open source version and a stable commercial
> version a bit behind the Open version but very stable.
> Does Ubuntu do that ?
> --
> Kind Regards
> Nico Michael
> http://www.arduino.org.za
> --
> ubuntu-za mailing list
> ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com
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*Hilton Gibson*
Systems Administrator
JS Gericke Library
Room 1025D
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X5036
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758
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