[ubuntu-za] Libre Office Auto Correct features are destroying me

Frank Sokolic sokolic at worldonline.co.za
Mon Apr 23 12:53:55 UTC 2012

When this happens to me I press ctrl-z immediately after I enter press at the end a paragraph. This should undo the autoformatting of the paragraph. It's not an elegant solution, I know, but at least will allow you to keep the paragraphs from being autoformatted.


From: ubuntupunk at gmail.com
Sent:2012-04-23 14:18:24
To: ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Libre Office Auto Correct features are destroying me

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Mark Widdicombe markwiddicombe at gmail.com> wrote:

On 23 April 2012 11:34, ubuntupunk at gmail.comubuntupunk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, 
Sorry to bother with this issue, but the lack of user-friendliness in LibreOffice is killing me. 
Whenever I try to write up a document with numbering like so

LO insists on autoformating the paragraphs incorrectly. There appears to be no way of turning off this feature in Tools > Options.

More evidence of the "Dark Side' of Open Source

Go to Tools-->Autocorrect Options-->Options, then uncheck 'Apply numbering - symbol'
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 Autocorrect options is missing. This no more a feature in 3.4.4?

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