[ubuntu-za] Failed to update repository information

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Mon May 30 21:09:44 UTC 2011

On 05/30/2011 01:51 PM, Hilton Gibson wrote:

> Do I need a computer scientist degree to understand all this a normal
> user ?
> I take my car to get fixed, I do not study mechanical engineering to do it.
> Flameoff now please Johnny ;-)

I will give you the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that you do 
not see how demanding you are coming off here.  From one point of view, 
you came in, gave no information, and said "Fix it."  We do not know 
what you have tried.  We do not know your skill level.  We have to guess.

But I will start with some things to check, and I will use point and 
drool interface whenever possible. (Not a slam, buy the way...  Just a 
tung and cheek reference to the GUI for the CLI purists.)

Hit Alt-F2 to bring up a run application dialog.  Enter;
gksu software-properties-gtk
Enter your password.  (As an aside, you used to be able to do this from 
the menu.  Why they removed software sources, I will never know.  Idiots...)

On tab one (Ubuntu Software), where are you downloading from?  Select 
"Main" if you want for the next test.  You can also select "Other" and 
run "Select Best Server."  This will probably be a server that is 
non-SA, so perhaps expensive, however.  Alternatively, you can try the 4 
SA servers manually.

On tab two (Other Software), what do you have listed?

After closing, you will have the option to reload.  Do so.  If there are 
still errors, pick another repository.  If that fails;

Open up a shell.  Go to the terminal tab, and make it big.  (132x43) 
Type "sudo apt-get update" and paste the entire output here.


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