[ubuntu-za] Regional help and CDs

Schalk-Willem Krüger swk at swk.za.net
Mon May 30 18:04:22 UTC 2011

I'm definitely in!
I'm trying to start a Ubuntu Community here - there are more linux users at
the NWU than I originally thought (although mostly novice users) and many
more that want to learn linux. I think it is a great idea to have regional
contacts and I will help where I can.

--Schalk-Willem Krüger

2011/5/30 Marco Gallotta <marco at gallotta.co.za>

> I have CCed Schalk-Willem, who's at NWU. Schalk-Willem, have a look
> below and see if you'd be interested in being a local Ubuntu contact
> for the North West? Or could you recommend someone else?
> Marco
> On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 8:18 PM, maia grotepass <maiatoday at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Notable regions lacking a contact:
> >> Johannesburg
> >> Cape Town
> >> Durban
> > Actually Wesley is in Durban and I already got a box of CDs to him.
> > Also JP is probably the Stellenbosch contact, as he also has access to
> > sun repos if his CDs run out. Also we have Stefan from Linux System
> > Dynamic (lsd.co.za) who is in Randburg. They have run release parties
> > before and have had CDs available for people to pick up before too.
> >
> > So that leaves Cape Town ... :)
> >
> >>
> >> Can I suggest we have one main contact point per province, and then
> >> have a sub-contact for major regions within provinces where necessary.
> >> So for example, Nico could be contact for Gauteng and someone else
> >> sub-contact in Johannesburg. Same with PE+EL and CT+Stellies. This
> >> would currently give us 5 provinces (Gauteng, WC, KZN, EC, FS) if we
> >> can fill KZN. Then the main loco contact (Maia) can contact the
> >> provincial contacts who then arrange to collect CDs / host release
> >> parties and then they can contact the regional contacts within their
> >> province to discuss whether to colloborate for a single collection /
> >> joint event or go off separately.
> > Yip more or less what I am trying to setup. I see this as a trial run
> > for when the LTS cds get here.
> >
> > Also I wanted to ask that people who have the CDs take one picture of
> > a meeting where a CD changes hands and sends it to me or better blog
> > and send me the link. I will add this to the monthly report and this
> > will make it much easier to motivate why we should get more CDs and
> > why we should stay an official Loco. Maybe lots of photos with hands
> > and CDs would be interesting especially if people don't want to be in
> > photos. Just an idea.
> >
> > Maia
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-za mailing list
> > ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za
> >
> --
> Marco Gallotta
> MSc Student
> Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town
> people.cs.uct.ac.za/~mgallott | marco-za.blogspot.com
> marco AT gallotta DOT co DOT za | 073 170 4444 | 021 552 2731
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