[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu LoCo participation in People's Health Assembly

ubuntupunk at gmail.com ubuntupunk at gmail.com
Tue May 24 12:17:43 UTC 2011

Dear Ubuntu LoCo.

I recently attended a workshop on behalf of Earthlife Africa & Mindfreedom
International (one of several volunteer and charitable organisations I am
involved in).
We discussed various issues related to mobilising around a global People's
Health Assembly in July 2010. The assembly looks set to put South Africa on
the map in terms of public health and will hopefully see a lot of activity
around primary health-care and National Health Insurance.


One of the topics for discussion is obviously *Technology & Health.*

It became abundantly clear that PHM lacks an IT strategy and faces a number
of challenges:-

*1. Inflation of information leading to overload and potential chaos*

ACTION: Develop a Communications Clearinghouse for the Assembly

*2. Online presence needs to accommodate multitude of requests for

ACTION: Set up a Forum/Bulletin Board using best in category FOSS e.g phpBB
and host where appropriate.

3. *Linquistic and cultural challenges presented by Pan-African special

*ACTION:*  Develop and Campaign around Machine Translation for Africa
(Google currently does not offer Zulu-English, or Xhosa-English translation.

4. *Special Session on Health & Technology*
ACTION: Bring on board FOSS advocates and IT professionals.

ACTION: Develop activity around Disability & Technology

*5. Special Communication Needs*

ACTION  Motivate for Videoconferencing Facilities, Free Skypes etc

I would be most interested in any feedback on the above, especially where it
relates to FOSS


David Robert Lewis

*David Robert Lewis*
*PO BOX 4398*
*Cape Town*
*South Africa*
*Mobile 082 425 1454*
*Landline 021 448 0021*
*Fax 0866 995510*
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