[ubuntu-za] May Meeting - Change Of Loco Contact

maia grotepass maiatoday at gmail.com
Thu May 19 06:49:46 UTC 2011

After the dust has settled a bit ...

Thank you David for the introduction. Thank you David for managing the
lists and contacts and all the other things that a loco-contact does
which we don't even know about.

Also thank you to everyone who has been doing things, if I have to
name names I run the risk of skipping over people. So thanks to
everybody who has fixed the website and updated the wiki and organised
release parties and kept going with the ubuntu hour and carried around
rucksacks full of routers and cables and answered questions on irc and
made new people feel welcome on irc and answered questions in the
mailing list, the list goes on. Please don't stop. Please find friends
to help you.

This is an open invitation: if you have anything that fits in with the
ubuntu-za role that you want to do/organise don't hesitate, go ahead
and get going. I will try to hook you up with the right people and
feedback what's happening to the ubuntu community.

No activity is too small or to casual, take a pic with your cell phone
and let me know so we can add it to the monthly report. Or even better
add it to the monthly report[1] or write it up on ubuntu-za.org.

As David has said before this is a do-ocracy.[2]

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/TeamReports
[2] http://www.communitywiki.org/DoOcracy


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