[ubuntu-za] Regional Contacts and CDs update

maia grotepass maiatoday at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 19:19:27 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I went through my mails and came up with this list.
Do I have it right? Did I miss anyone? Is my geography dodgy?
Probably, but what should change.

Region	Contact
Cape Town	Stefano Rivera
Durban	Wesley Werner
Stellenbosch	JP(?)
Pretoria	Nico Michael
Pretoria	Ian Whitfield
Johannesburg	Celeste
Johannesburg	Stefan
Bloemfontein	Frans
Port Elizabeth	Andre Hugo
East London	Vijay Makanjee
Limpopo	Bill Cairns
NWU	Schalk-Willem Krüger

I have given CDs to Wesley and JP. I haven't really found lifts for
the rest of the CDs. I think I am going to post them to everybody. The
postage will cost about R20 if I send it regular sapo style. I have
adresses for Ian, Stefan, Frans and Vijay. Will the others send me
their address please. Also if you think you don't want to be on the
list or if I have missed you, let me know too.

Just to clarify this is what I think a regional contact should be
prepared to do:
1. Put yourself on the list at ubuntu-za.org so people can contact you for CDs.
2. Be willing to organise to get a CD to someone in your area, ie a lift etc.

Optional extras a regional contact can do:
1.  send me a photo of a CD changing hands or blog about it and send
me the link. (please, this would be so good for future approval)
2. Help someone get hold of a CD, ie burn an iso onto disk if the
printed CDs have run out.
3.  Try to pick people who will actually install/use the CD and give one to them
4.  meet for a <insert beverage of your choice> with like minded
ubuntu people and take a photo/blog and let the community know.
5.  Anything else you can think of that would be good for ubuntu and
fits in with the Code of Conduct.


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