[ubuntu-za] Success!!! :)

frans dormakorp at vodamail.co.za
Thu Jul 14 14:43:47 UTC 2011

On 11/07/14 16:35 PM, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) wrote:
> On 14/07/11 10:24 AM, Lee Sharp wrote:
>> You can also install with the alt-install disk.  I generally go this
>> route anyway as it is usually faster.
> Actually the desktop install CD is usually faster.
> Time it ;)
On some systems less than 15 minutes
also after enabling the swap on the system the boot into the live disk 
seemed almost as fast as my netbooks boottime.(not timed though).

> The desktop CD basically extracts a bunch of files from a compressed
> filesystem where the alternate CD installs individual packages one by
> one which is much more time intensive. Alternate disk will indeed work
> on machines with less ram and has indeed wider hardware support, but the
> Desktop disk will pretty much always be much faster installation-wise.
> -Jonathan

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