[ubuntu-za] Nasty Narwhal what a disappointment

Nico Michael (pta@ibst) nick.michael at ptaisp.co.za
Sat Apr 30 17:26:04 UTC 2011

Hi there

I had installed Ubuntu 10:10 on my laptop and quite a few applications

I then got the ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386 ISO file and burned a CD and successfully verified the CD.

I believed it would upgrade my Linux.
I then booted from this CD believeing it would upgrade my Ubuntu 10:10 to Natty Narwhal
Only to find out it wiped out my entire installation.

To add salt to the wound the main menu is lost  and I could not figure out how to get it back

I installed crossover for Linux and the Microsoft Office 2007
In the previous version I could add buttons on the top for MS word and Excel however I could not figure how to do that .

I could not even create an icon on the desktop for Word

I hate this thing on the left as I have to search for Word every time I want to  run MS Word

Is there a way to recover the main menu and to get ikons on the desktop?

Alternatively is there a way to downgrade the desktop back to Ubuntu 1010  ?


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