[ubuntu-za] DRM and software licensing (was Brainstorm on ideas to get Ubuntu to areas without internet)

Stefano Rivera stefanor at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 8 14:47:22 BST 2010

Hi Marius (2010.09.08_14:24:24_+0200)
> Canonical must sell DVD and MP3 codec licences for Ubuntu

Fluendo has licensed an MP3 decoder for all Ubuntu users. Look at

However, this is South Africa, where Software Patents aren't recognised
(and thus aren't enforceable), so install all the patent-encumbered
software you want and be proud to live in a country that has some sanity


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127

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