[ubuntu-za] DRM and software licensing (was Brainstorm on ideas to get Ubuntu to areas without internet)

Andre Hugo cortexpeterpan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 13:38:54 BST 2010


In Maverick (currently beta) the Software Center has a For Purchase section.
Fluendo DVD player is already in this section and I think there is plenty
more to come in the future.


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Marius Kruger <amanic at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8 September 2010 09:03, Raoul Snyman
> <raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 08:56:08 +0200, Robin Bownes wrote:
> > > Why does the Ubuntu installation image not automatically install the
> > > necessary bits for playing DVDs, MP3s and the like?
> > Because the law says they're not allowed to distribute that stuff without
> > paying a license fee for *every copy*.
> just submitted this bainstorm idea.
> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/25797/
> Canonical must sell DVD and MP3 codec licences for Ubuntu
> --
> There should be a very easy way to legally obtain these codecs during
> or after installation.
> As I understand it, to do this legally in some countries a royalty
> licence must be paid for each copy.
> So give the user an easy way to choose if they want to pay for that or
> not; then either way add the appropriate repositories (apt may need to
> be extended to support encryption etc. to support that).
> It would also be nice to distribute iso images which includes this,
> call it $buntu :P. It must log into ubuntuone on/after installation to
> activate it; so you can pay for it if you have not done so already.
> Maybe
> - this is planned already.
> - its a lot of work for little gain :(
> - partner with http://www.fluendo.com/ on this.
> --
> BUT, I was told that this is already done, see:
> http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=19
> I'm still not convinced that this is simple enough to get it from the
> desktop for non-technical users.
> --
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