[ubuntu-za] Brainstorm on ideas to get Ubuntu to areas without internet (renamed from Release Party 10.10.10 ...)

Andy Rabagliati andyr at wizzy.com
Tue Sep 7 09:29:41 BST 2010

On Mon, 06 Sep 2010, William Walter Kinghorn wrote:

> Ubuntu Repo Day
> Another option is to set up once a month "Ubuntu Repo Day", where some
> Ubuntu users go to a place, set up a few PCs, and let others copy the
> repos, as well as show them how to use the repos ( putting onto HD, or
> using from an external HD, ets, create docs for this ), and possibly
> an install fest if required

Once per release I think would also be fine.

I have used downloaded repos to good effect for offline installs.

You have to go with something like apt-cacher to get medibuntu stuff, and
you either need to package differently or carry the flash download for flash.

Cheers,  Andy!

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