[ubuntu-za] Release Party 10.10.10 what shall we do?

maia grotepass maiatoday at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 20:54:15 BST 2010

We had a bit of a discussion at the Ubuntu Hour yesterday and we
think, for CT/Stellenbosch we should do an event which is not
technical, ie no jamming just party and installing. An opportunity for
people to get their machines upgraded without downloading large files
and some friendly people to help if things don't upgrade/install
exactly as expected. All of this with a bring_n_braai and cold
beverages and maybe boardgames or something in the background. Family
friendly lunchtime with a smattering of mild geekiness.

We can have it here in Stellenbosch again or if anybody has any other
places they want to have the party?

If you agree to the above suggestion then we really only need a
friendly venue with power points and braai place and the repos, a
switch some lan cables and we are sorted.

what does everybody think?


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