[ubuntu-za] Need some URGENT help please.

Dr. Johan P. Prinsloo biocura at telkomsa.net
Sat Nov 27 14:16:05 GMT 2010

Installing 10.10 is a real nightmare to such an extent that I feel 
leaving Linux and going back to Microsoft after all these years.

Just bought a new PC and the installation is a disaster

Try downloading the iso file again and writing a new disk, that helped 
in my case, but now that its installed there is no GUI and I do not know 
how to get into my PC. For the first time since 8.04 I built a dual 
bootable pc having windows 7, which ubuntu simply ignored and seems to 
have installed over it.

I'll try once again doing another install from scratch hoping it will 
work, but sadly after 5 attempts and almost 24 hours later I doubt it 
will work.

Try another iso and writing it on a new cd.


On 27/11/2010 14:42, Ian Whitfield wrote:
> //Hi All
> I need some rather urgent help with a new installation of Kubuntu 10.10
> Background is that I have 3 HDD in my computer. A system drive, a /home
> drive (both IDE) and I just re-plugged in a SATA drive that has some
> backup data on it. To be safe I backed up ALL data etc in /home to a
> brand new external USB SATA HDD before I started.
> I then re-booted the machine with the new 10.10 CD in the drive. When it
> got to the 'where to install' part it only seemed to show ONE HDD!! (Why
> is this?). As my Second Boot Device in the BIOS is set to be the "System
> HDD", (First is the CD Drive), I selected 'Use all of drive' and continued.
> Part way through the installation I noticed that the External HDD light
> was flashing so it seems as if the system has taken this to be the
> primary drive and overwritten all my Backup Data!! (Again why??)
> After the installation it did a reboot but comes up with...
> error: no such device: (long number)
> grub rescue>  _
> So I went back into the BIOS and set First Boot Device as the old System
> Disk and switched off the External drive and restarted but I get the
> same error!!
> Can I do anything through the 'grub rescue' prompt, or how can I get the
> original system, which must still be on the System Disk, to start? That
> way I can reclaim my data and try again.
> Thanks for ANY help with this. As I'm only getting feeds from the list
> every second day or so could you CC me direct please on
> whitfield at federalsaints.net, as this is rather urgent!!
> Thanks guys.
> ////

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