[ubuntu-za] Running VMs

Jason McBeath Jason at mcbeath.co.za
Thu Nov 25 04:02:31 GMT 2010

I'd try VirtualBox. I have run various Windows OS's in it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Sharp <leesharp at hal-pc.org>
To: Ubuntu South African Local Community <ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-za] Running VMs
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 20:39:22 -0500

I need to set up a psudo ctrix server.  I need to run a handful of 
various desktops (XP, Vista, W7, Hackentosh, FreeBSD) in VMs that 
various people can remotely connect to.  Up to know, I have mainly used 
QEMU, as it was totally portable, but it does not work as a "desktop 
server" very well.

I am thinking KVM with the virtual nics in bridge mode, but I have heard 
it is not a good "desktop" solution.  Has anyone done anything like 
this?  Any ideas?


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