[ubuntu-za] Problems after 10.10 Upgrade

Andy Rabagliati andyr at wizzy.com
Thu Nov 18 10:09:31 GMT 2010

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010, Robin Bownes wrote:

> In terms of the printing problems
> that we're currently experiencing, Ubuntu still lists the printer (Canon
> MP560) as there and active. However, print jobs just lock up the
> printer, and sit in the queue, "processing" until one deletes them.

Google shows up this (I searched for Canon MP560 linux):-




Which suggests some extra drivers might be helpful.

Are you networking the printer via wireless (I see it has wireless) ?

Try it instead on the wired network ?

Browse to the printer and see if it has more information about the print queue ?

I do not use samba - maybe someone else can help you there.

Cheers,   Andy!

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