[ubuntu-za] Problems after 10.10 Upgrade

Robin Bownes robinbownes at afrihost.co.za
Thu Nov 18 08:08:30 GMT 2010


Hope someone can help. Since upgrading 2 of the computers on our
home/work LAN to 10.10 from 10.04, some of our LAN connections,
including the one to our LAN printer are no longer functional. I can
see/connect to computers if I specify their IP, but not otherwise. Thus
far it has not had any effect on our Internet connection through the
LAN. I've checked the SAMBA settings, and as far as I can see, nothing
has changed. 

I'd really appreciate some assistance. This is our busiest time of year
and I really don't have time for these problems right now. So far 10.10
is not making me happy.

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