[ubuntu-za] OLE object in OOO Spreadsheet

Robin Bownes robin at ncedatrust.org.za
Sun Mar 14 15:00:38 GMT 2010

On Sun, 2010-03-14 at 11:07 +0200, Tim Johnson wrote:

> Does this article help?
> http://linuxtopia.org/online_books/office_guides/microsoft_office_to_openoffice_migration/openoffice_migration_Object_Linking_and_Embedding_(OLE)_0602MG-SharingFilesWithMSOUsers.html
> -- 
> Using Ubuntu 9.10 and Opera 10

Thanks Tim, 

I did look at it, and unfortunately, although all of my settings are
just as they specify here, Calc can still not even properly convert the
OLE object, never-mind open it. Did get my hopes up for a moment though.

Unfortunately looking like we'll be losing an Ubuntu convert back to MS
due to this since this is something that she will have to be able to do
on an ongoing basis for this company
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