[ubuntu-za] OLE object in OOO Spreadsheet

Ewald Horn ewaldhorn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 12:08:19 GMT 2010

On 12 March 2010 14:03, Corrie Strydom <corrie206 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Tanja Valkin <tanjav at telkomsa.net> wrote:
>>  Hi all
>> I've been following this list (vaguely) for some time now because I'm very
>> interested in linux. I'm detecting an interesting social trend. Here's my
>> question............Guys, it's Friday so please dont take this too
>> seriously......................
>> Why is it that you Ubuntu dudes want to put Ubuntu onto your
>> sister-in-laws/girlfriends/mothers/wives computers?  Are you trying to
>> impress the lady because Ubuntu is so pretty & you're so clever? And then
>> you have to email the list because you broke it & she's cross with you? Why
>> not your male family members computers? I dont think that I've ever seen a
>> posting about one of you guys putting linux onto a "male" computer. Are you
>> guys too scared that you'll get klapped if you break it?
>> Cheers
>> Tanja
Guys like tinkering with their computers, but boy, put something weird
on a sister-in-laws/girlfriends/mothers/wives
computer and you are guaranteed to be the first port of call if something
goes wrong.

If women didn't do funny things like spreadsheets and stuff on computers,
and instead used them for games, like us far more sensible guys, there would
be no more such problems!

Plus it's nice to be needed in this modern age with auto-this and auto-that!
It's just our way of keeping ourselves in the loop!

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