[ubuntu-za] Global Jam - any suggestions?

maia grotepass maiatoday at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 20:59:35 GMT 2010

Helge are you and any of the other Stellenbosch people ok to go through to UCT?

So to summarise ...

Looks like it it moving in the direction of sometime 28 March, that's
the Sunday, maybe from 10am onwards?

on the lineup for possible activities then we have (in no particular
order and we don't have to do all):

1. Beginners verify hardware from liveCD (Maia)
2. Intermediate and Begnners Swap Tips & Tweeks (Maia)
3. Talk on Bug Hunting (volunteer needed)
4. Bug Jam activities Fixing and Reporting (Helge? Marco?)
5. Translation activities (volunteer needed)
6. Ubuwiki Jam (ethnopunk?)

I am sure we can adjust the activities, if there are fewer people or
more. eg if no one wants to do 1 or 2 then I wouldn't mind doing some

I'll see if I can go to some more IRC sessions on Translation or Bug
Jam since it looks like it is going that way.

As soon as we have a date and time I can post on wikis and we can
think about a poster. What did you guys do about posters in the past?
I can make one or if someone else has one that's cool too. What do we
do about printing posters?


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