[ubuntu-za] Help - Connect to ADSL via 8.10

David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) ethnopunk at telkomsa.net
Mon Mar 8 14:55:52 GMT 2010

David Nel wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm currently sitting in Namibia and am trying to plug in to a ADSL 
> modem with my 8.10 setup but can't seem to get things going just yet. 
> Am I overlooking something? I can't seem to see any speficic details 
> on the XP system that is currently using the adsl line (ie. username, 
> password etc). Not sure if I'm being a total noob on this task. Any 
> help will be appreciated... I promise.
> Dave

Easiest method is to open terminal.

sudo pppoeconf

yes to all the questions

fill in username and password


pon dsl-provider

ping <yourserviceprovider>

try again if fail

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