[ubuntu-za] kdenlive sound fix wants to remove half my system

David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) ethnopunk at telkomsa.net
Sat Mar 6 09:29:48 GMT 2010

Wesley Werner wrote:
>     Can anyone suggestion another way to install or an alternative
>     workaround for the bug? I can't find any other video editor that gives
>     me what Kdenlive has, and Lives is still buggy.
>     Regards
>     David.
> Hi David, did you get sorted on this? I battled this a bit too, ended 
> up editing the video without using the preview, the rendered video 
> does have sound luckily.
> Have a look at this thread 
> <http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/apt-get-remove-and-dependencies-183772/>, 
> seems like you can force a remove and ignore dependencies, Ill see 
> what other info is around...
> Regards, Wez

Hi Wez,

Thanks for the information. Thought I was the only one. Glad to know it 
not just me. Will take a look at the thread. yay.


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