[ubuntu-za] ebox and others...

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Wed Jul 28 16:22:56 BST 2010

On 07/28/2010 11:11 AM, Charl Wentzel wrote:
> Absolutely, EBOX platform is like a box of chocolates... wait, where did
> I hear that before :-)
> It doesn't just do one thing, it does just about everything.  But I'm
> pretty certain that m0n0wall and untangle are probably much better
> firewalls.

Kinda...  M0n0wall is a much better firewall.  It is also ONLY a 
firewall.  It is robust, secure, and has fantastic logging.  It will run 
on the P3 500 with 128 meg of ram, and run for as long as the power works.

Untangle is a fantastic filtering gateway.  It will scrape spam and web 
based adds, totally transparently.  It also does some nice things to 
hack attempts.  But it is not as good a pure firewall.  In many 
locations I have both, with m0n0wall at the firewall, and untangle in 
bridge mode between them.  Different tools for different uses.

> On the otherhand setting up DHCP, DNS, OpenVPN, Internet router with
> redundant routes and dynamic load sharing, firewall and proxy server
> with software RAID on an old Pentium 4 in less than 2 hours is quite
> amazing.

While it sounds cool, having my files on the network edge scares the 
hell out of me!  If the one box is compromised, you lose your entire 
security.  But I am paid to be paranoid. :)


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