[ubuntu-za] ebox and others...

Pieter Geyer pieter.j.geyer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 15:48:16 BST 2010

ebox is a gr8 MS SBS replacement we are testing it at our offices and havent
had any major issues as yet( we mostly use the mail and file services and
just for the fun of it the astrisk part.

I cant wait for the latest version based on 10.04 :)


On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Lee Sharp <leesharp at hal-pc.org> wrote:

> On 07/28/2010 04:48 AM, Charl Wentzel wrote:
> > *Using an EBOX (The Linux Small business server)*
> > If you have never heard of an EBOX have a look at: www.ebox-platform.com
> > <http://www.ebox-platform.com>
> > If you need a network server for you company with a DNS, DHCP, internet
> > gateway, firewall, proxy server, virtual private networking, and more,
> > but you don't want to pay $$$$ for that other server operating system,
> > then you'll want to learn about an EBOX. It offers all of these services
> > (and more) on a single machine for free and you can have all of this
> > running in 2 hours without detailed understanding of any of these!
> I am active in two other similar projects, m0n0wall and Untangle.
> M0n0wall is a feeebsd based firewall with lots of features, and ROCK
> SOLID.  I have over 100 in production.  Untangle is a filtering gateway,
> and feature loaded.  While both are open source, Untangle also has a
> paid component.  Both are worth looking at.
> http://m0n0.ch/wall/
> http://www.untangle.com/Community
>                        Lee
> --
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