[ubuntu-za] School Tool

Andre Hugo cortexpeterpan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 08:29:08 BST 2010


I live in Port Elizabeth.

A few months ago I was approached by a local school to donate a school
system.  I also looked at School Tool and have installed it on a demo
computer. The problem that I had was that the documentation is lacking.  On
the School Tool website there is documentation but still it was not that
clear to me. I am not in the teaching profession.

But I have promised to supply them with School Tool by the end of the year.

I have a old spare pc that I can use to experiment with School Tool but I
would rather give this pc to someone that is going to use it.

So here is the deal. I will provide the ubuntu pc (old and low spec) with
school tool installed to your family member in exchange for him to research
and use school tool but then at the end of this year teach my local school
to use it.

So see one, do one, teach one principle.

Hope this helps.

Andre Hugo

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Weiers Coetser <coetserw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning,
> Right at the start I want to apologise that this might be a bit of an
> open-ended mail. I'm not quite sure what question to ask.
> A family member of mine just took up the challenge of becoming a
> principal of a school in a rural area outside Butterworth in the Eastern
> Cape. Apart from a payroll system (VIP) the school has practically no
> information systems in place, even for basic things like managing
> enrollment, collecting assessment information, printing school reports
> etc. There is no network at the school and from what I gather, only
> dial-up internet. And the usual story with the school is that there are
> major financial restraints due to a history of poor management and
> working against all kinds of odds.
> So he wrote to me for more information about School Tool.
> http://www.schooltool.org/
> I think, what I am wondering is:
> Is there anybody in this group who has some hands on experience about
> bringing IT systems to a school like this. It seems as though the
> challenge would almost be to build a system from scratch. It would be
> marvelous if I could put him in touch with somebody who could provide
> good advice.
> He wants to try to get a feel for School Tool to evaluate how it works.
> I've asked him and there isn't a spare computer there right now, so I am
> wondering if it would be wise for me to suggest that he installs
> VirtualBox on his Windows laptop and then runs Ubuntu in there for a
> while. Even then I'll probably have to post him a copy of Ubuntu and
> Virtual Box, and SchoolTool due to the low levels of internet
> connectivity there. It sounds as though they might be prepared to invest
> in a seperate computer that runs School Tool on Ubuntu if they find that
> it is a suitable programme for their needs. Even with that there are a
> few basic questions eg. Would it be possible to link that computer into
> a lan so that other computers could connect to the school tool via a
> Windows based driver? etc.
> Anyway, let me leave it open ended like this. Any wisdom would be
> appreciated.
> (I live in Northern Ireland at the moment. I wish I could go and see the
> situation for myself!)
> Weiers
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