[ubuntu-za] Changing SATA setting from IDE mode to AHCI after Ubuntu install

Josh Brodrick josholikestofly at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 18:36:03 BST 2010

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Stefano Rivera <ubuntu-za at rivera.za.net>wrote:

> Hi Josh (2010.07.20_18:04:55_+0200)
> > My motherboard has an eSATA port on the rear panel which I would like
> > the option of using. When reading the motherboard user manual, it
> > states that I need to set my SATA controller to AHCI mode in order to
> > make use of the eSATA connections.
> You probably want to use AHCI mode, yes. The only reason motherboards
> don't ship with it enabled is that Windows XP doesn't have an AHCI
> driver (on the install CD).
> > My question is whether I can safely change the SATA controller setting
> from
> > IDE mode to AHCI mode without causing any problems to my Ubuntu install?
> If you haven't manually edited your /etc/fstab it should work fine.
> Your windows install is likely to be a little unhappy about it, but you
> probably don't have to re-install.
> SR
> --
> Stefano Rivera
>  http://tumbleweed.org.za/
>  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127
Hi, sorry to bother everyone again but just remembered one more thing i
wanted to ask before enabling AHCI...

My DVD drive is SATA and connected to a SATA port on my motherboard. Will
this be affected at all by changing the SATA mode to AHCI , and will it
still be detected and allowed to install an OS from it if when I need to do
clean installs?

Thanks again,

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